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  • A provision that reduces a young persons anxieties, which is a huge barrier to learning

  • Better relationships, because Chill'd work with you and families as a team

  • Chill'd are a trusted provider and schools can demonstrate their commitment to good SEN practices to OFSTED, Governors and the LA

  • Flexible and cost effective, with packages from just 2 hours a week

  • Regular feedback of progress and information shared on what approaches are working for the individual young person

  • Chill'd can help with other agencies that are involved with the family

  • As the young person moves through our nurture provision, we underpin the goal of returning to a suitable education

  • Trust. By partnering with a trusted Alternative Provision you know we have the right policies and procedures and all the correct checks in place to ensure the safeguarding of the young people in our care.

  • Chill'd develop the 'softer' skills such as communication, team work, planning, taking turns and building trusting relationships

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Trauma Informed

Chill’d CIC recognise that the young people who come to us may have been or are experiencing trauma. We are a trauma informed provision.


Developmental trauma can have a profound impact on a young person's overall development, influencing not just how they view the world, but how they relate to themselves and others

Trauma can influence every part of a young person's life. Early intervention, trauma-informed care, and a supportive environment are crucial in helping young people develop healthier ways to cope and rebuild their sense of self and trust in others

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Young people with lived experience of trauma may have experienced traumatic experiences in early relationships.

This creates a barrier in developing trust in others and young people develop survival skills to keep themselves safe. 

Chill’d CIC will help these young people by working from the bottom up, towards trust, empathy and nurture.

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Safeguarding certified

Before any of our staff are inducted we require that they undertake an Advanced  Safeguarding Level 3 course and this is re-tested  at least annually, we have regular training throughout the year on a whole variety of topics too as we are a continual improvement people focussed organisation

Seamless Onboarding

1 / Identify Young Person
2 / Complete Online Enquiry (form below)
3 / Contact you and arrange everything
4 / Contact the Young Person / Family
5 / The fun begins!

Do you think you have a young person who can benefit from Chill'd?

Please contact us

Get in touch

We welcome enquiries from parents, schools or anyone who wants to help a capable young person achieve more.

Contact us

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